Sudah pasti pada tau semua dong, terutama yang ada di Bandung. Sial banget ga bisa dateng di konser nya pas tanggal 1 November 2012 kemaren.
Sebuah hal yg menarik dilagu ini, soalnya teh risa nyanyi bareng vokalis Efek Rumah Kaca, siapa lagi kalo bukan Cholil Mahmud. Lagunya asik banget dah!
Langsung aja deh, cekidot lirik nya:
Arr: Egi Anggara
Song: Risa Saraswati
Lyric: Yolanda
Bass: Gallang Perdhana
Drummer: Papay Soleh
Others may say you are blessed
When you live with a saint
No need to feel depressed
I will not faint
You are my serenity
Around pitchy voices
You are my clarity
Through dark places
Perfect dreams that we had made, in the cold it stand
Undivided that's we are never to find end
Real visions sad but true rising in my eyes
Wide awake to face the truth make me realize
The world no longer our hopes are falling apart
Bitter sweet wounds of yours are becoming an art
Everythings going wrong when reality bites my heart
It's the most carelessly part
Burried secrets revealed promise turning to break
Are reflections are sealed sorrow living as a freak
Everythings going right when all fantasies change my heart
It's the most delightful part
This is what I called a cursed
This is what I called a bliss
Think that I live in prison
Think that we live in heaven
Never wonder if this true
Always wonder if this true
I'm Delusional for sure
No you are my certainty
Nah itu dia liriknya.. Dan gue kasih bonus foto lirik sekalian. hehehe:
(Foto Lirik: Original Gue || Foto Risa & Cholil:
4 komentar:
keren ya lagu ini :D
Semuanya keren cha, tapi lagi demen yang ini sama Gloomy Sunday :D
itu bukan foto risa sama cholil, itu risa sama mario , they are sing Oh I never Know! just correct ;)
astaga? *facepalm
*Repaired thx yah :D
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